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A Beautiful Mind 
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A Beautiful Mind is a biographical movie about the life of the famous Nobel Prize Winner mathematician John Forbes Nash. The duration of the movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes and Nash is played by Russel Crowe. John Nash is mostly known for discovering the Nash equilibrium, a method used not only in mathematics, but also in many other fields of knowledge such as economics, sports, and business. 


Here’s a link to the scene showing Nash equilibrium in an amusing way. 

Despite his early success in his field, Nash soon finds himself on a painful journey of self-discovery. The IMDb score for the movie is 8.2/10. On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is rated 74/100 by the critics and 93/100 by the audience. Even though I found it repetitive during Nash’s time in college and hospital, I enjoyed the movie overall. My rating of the movie would be an 8/10. My favorite moment from the movie is a plot twist. 


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