Summer School Reviews & Suggestions

Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS)
Dates: June 29- August 9, 2025
Venue: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, US
Eligibility: Over 14 years old, have completed 9th grade
Cost: 7,000 $, with extensive financial aid available
Application Deadline: March 3, 2025
Program Overview: 1.5 hour lectures in Number Theory every day, followed by advanced seminars in diverse mathematical topics. Furthermore, there are guest lectures regarding the philosophy of science, and research projects/ exploration labs available.
Application and program website: https://promys.org/
Dates: July 13- August 29, 2025
Venue: Wadham College and the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Eligibility: Over 16 years old, resident in Europe (Students can only apply to one of PROMYS or PROMYS Europe)
Cost: 4,000 £, with extensive financial aid available
Application Deadline: March 9, 2025
Program Overview: 1.5 hour lectures in Number Theory every day, followed by advanced seminars in diverse mathematical topics. Furthermore, there are guest lectures regarding the philosophy of science, and research projects/ exploration labs available.
Application and program website: https://promys-europe.org/
Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC)
Dates: Residential: June 22- July 18, 2025; Online: June 16- July 4 (Program I only) & July 7- July 25, 2025.
Venue: Residential at Stanford University, Santa Clara, California, US or Online
Eligibility: Grades 10 or 11, ones over 18 are not eligible for residential but can attend online
Cost: Residential: 8,575 $, Online: 3,580$
Application Deadline: February 3, 2025
Program Overview: Consists of two tracks, Program I – Abstract Algebra & Number Theory and Program II – Algebraic Topology. Programs include final research projects to be presented at the end of the program.
Application and program website: https://sumac.spcs.stanford.edu/sumac-online-program
Dates: June 29- August 3, 2025
Venue: Lewis & Clark, Portland, Oregon, US
Eligibility: Students aged between 13 and 18
Cost: 6,600 $
Application Deadline: February 26, 2025
Program Overview: Introductory courses regarding proof techniques, prerequisites for future classes, collections on pure math, and problemsolving.
Application and program website: https://www.mathcamp.org/
Dates: June 22- July 26, 2025
Venue: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US
Eligibility: Students aged between 13 and 18
Cost: 5,300 $
Application Deadline: April 29, 2025
Program Overview: 2 weeks of root classes, followed by one week of chaos (classes in multiple subjects), and 2 weeks of branch classes of students’ choosing.
Application and program website: https://www.mathily.org/
Ross Mathematics Program
Dates: June 15- July 25, 2025
Venue: Otterbein University, Columbus, Ohio, US or Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana, US
Cost: 7,000 $
Application Deadline: March 15, 2025
Program Overview: Six week of classes that focus on a specific subject chosen by the student
Application and program website: https://rossprogram.org/
The Hampshire College Summer Studies in Mathematics (HCSSiM)
Dates: June 29- August 9, 2025
Venue: Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, US
Cost: TBA
Application Deadline: End of April
Program Overview: Three weeks of introductory workshops, followed by three weeks of one maxi two mini courses selected by students.
Application and program website: https://hcssim.org/
KHAS Finans MühendisliÄŸi Tanıtım
Derin DeÄŸerli
numerous firms/stocks and do various calculations relating to exchange rates. For their exam grade, students are going to create a business, plan its future, and present it to the class. Students who get an overall grade of 85 or more will be awarded with "Outstanding Success Certificate" and students who get an overall grade between 75 and 85 will be awarded with "Success Certificate". A selected few of the most successful students in this course will be offered a position as the professor's assistant in the next course. Those students who have completed their duty as assistants get a recommendation letter from the professor. Having completed this course as an "outstandingly successful" student and as an assistant, here is my advice for this course: you get full marks on homework if you at least tried to solve it, regardless of the correctness of your answer. However, you need to spend some serious time on the final project and your calculations/reasoning should be accurate if you are planning to be an assistant in the future. Here is the course description written by the professor of this course;

Kadir Has University's winter/summer school offers the course "Finance Engineering" which teaches its students how to use mathematics and finance in real life. The fee for this course is currently 4000TL and the course takes place during either the winter or in the summer break. As homework, students will be asked to create a portfolio consisting of numerous

Dersin hocası olan Prof. Dr. AyÅŸe Hümeyra Bilge’nin sözleriyle dersin içeriÄŸi: “Günümüzde finans piyasaları hemen herkesin eriÅŸimine açıldı ve kullanım kolaylıkları geldi. Çok derin bir finans bilgisine sahip olmadan da iÅŸlem yapmak artık mümkün. Bu durum da risk almayı seven yatırımcıların ilgisini çekiyor. Ancak beklenmedik zararlardan korunmak için finans piyasalarının risklerini tanımak gerekiyor. Finans piyasaları tanımı gereÄŸi büyük ölçüde belirsizlik. Bu belirsizlik içinde piyasanın yönü bir
miktar tahmin edilebilir ve yatırımlar buna göre yönlendirilebilir. Ama kayıpları önlemenin en iyi yöntemi, riski ölçmek ve kontrol altına almak için portföy çeÅŸitlemektir. Bu aÅŸamada finansal modellerden hareketle matematiksel prensipler kullanılıyor ve risk yönetimi araçları tanımlanıyor. Finans MühendisliÄŸi dersinde, temel finans bilgisi verilecek ve risk yönetimi uygulamaları yapılacaktır.”